How to Rename a File in Linux: Step-by-Step Tutorial

When you have never had to rename a file on Linux before, it may seem like a difficult undertaking. Perhaps you’ve moved from a Windows or Mac environment, in which case the easy way to right-click and choose “rename” isn’t available. Or maybe you’re operating in a server environment without access to a graphical user interface. Do not be alarmed! This tutorial will take you step-by-step through the whole process of renaming a file in Linux so you can start handling files with confidence.

How to Rename a File in Linux1

Introduction to Renaming Files in Linux

First, let’s answer the main question: how to rename a file in Linux? No matter how experienced you are as a manager, you need to be able to rename files in order to manage your system’s disc. When you rename files, you’re not just changing their names; you’re also organising and handling them better.

Basic Renaming with the mv Command

In Linux, mv is the easiest and most popular tool to change the name of a file. Its main job is to move files and folders, but it can also be used to change their names.

Syntax: mv [options] source target


mv old_filename.txt new_filename.txt

Real Life Scenario: Let’s say you have a draft.txt file that you want to change the name of to final.txt when you’re done making changes. You can quickly change the name of a file without moving it to a different area if you use the mv tool.

Options for mv

  • Interactive Mode: Prompts before overwriting files.
    sh mv -i old_filename.txt new_filename.txt
  • Force Mode: Overwrites the target file without prompting.
    sh mv -f old_filename.txt new_filename.txt
  • Verbose Mode: Displays detailed information during the operation.
    sh mv -v old_filename.txt new_filename.txt

Using the rename Command

It is very helpful to use the rename function for more complicated renaming jobs, especially when working with themes or multiple files.

Syntax: rename [options] 's/old/new/' files


rename 's/\.txt$/\.md/' *.txt

Real-life Scenario: Suppose you have several text files (.txt) that you want to convert to markdown files (.md). Using the rename command with a pattern simplifies this process significantly.

Installing rename

On some Linux distributions, rename might not be installed by default. Here’s how to install it:

  • Debian/Ubuntu:
    sh sudo apt-get install rename
  • Red Hat/CentOS:
    sh sudo yum install prename

Options for rename

  • Dry Run: Shows what will be renamed without making changes.
    sh rename -n 's/\.txt$/\.md/' *.txt
  • Verbose Mode: Provides detailed output.
    sh rename -v 's/\.txt$/\.md/' *.txt

Renaming Files in Bulk

It may take a while to rename all of your files one by one, especially if you have a lot of them. This is how you can do group renaming:

  1. Using rename Command:
    rename 's/foo/bar/' *.txt
  2. Using a Loop in Bash:
    sh for f in *.txt; do mv -- "$f" "${f%.txt}.md"; done

Real-life Scenario: If you have an area full of log files with names like log1.txt, log2.txt, etc. and you need to change their endings or add a word, you can use tools and scripts for bulk changing to get the job done.

Renaming Files with Patterns

Patterns allow for dynamic and flexible renaming strategies. Here are a few examples:

  • Add a Prefix:
    for file in *.jpg; do mv "$file" "prefix_$file"; done
  • Replace a String:
    rename 's/old/new/' *.txt
  • Change Extensions:
    sh for file in *.jpeg; do mv "$file" "${file%.jpeg}.jpg"; done

Real-life Scenario: Imagine that you are a photographer who has a lot of pictures. Putting a date before all of your files can help you organise them in order.

Advanced Renaming Techniques

If you want to go beyond the basics, here are some advanced ways to rename files that use programming and more complicated patterns:

Using find with mv

The find command combined with mv allows for powerful file selection and renaming.

Example: Rename all .log files in a directory tree to .txt.

find . -type f -name "*.log" -exec bash -c 'mv "$0" "${0%.log}.txt"' {} \;

Using xargs with rename

xargs can be used to handle large lists of files efficiently.

Example: Batch rename .log files.

find . -type f -name "*.log" | xargs -I {} rename 's/\.log$/.txt/' {}

GUI Tools for Renaming Files

While command-line tools are powerful, GUI tools can be more intuitive for some users. Here are a few popular options:

Nautilus (GNOME Files)

Nautilus, the default file manager for GNOME, offers basic file renaming capabilities.

  1. Select the file(s) you want to rename.
  2. Right-click and choose “Rename”.
  3. Enter the new name and press Enter.

Dolphin (KDE)

Dolphin, the KDE file manager, provides a similar experience with additional bulk renaming options.

  1. Select the files to rename.
  2. Right-click and choose “Rename”.
  3. Use the “Bulk Rename” option for more advanced renaming.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Renaming files in Linux can sometimes lead to unintended consequences. Here are some common pitfalls and how to avoid them:

Overwriting Files

Renaming a file to an existing filename can overwrite the existing file.

Solution: Use the -i option with mv to prompt before overwriting.

mv -i file1.txt file2.txt

Special Characters

Files with special characters can cause issues if not handled correctly.

Solution: Use quotes or escape characters.

mv "file with spaces.txt" file_with_spaces.txt

Bulk Renaming Mistakes

Bulk operations can lead to unintended renaming if patterns are not correctly defined.

Solution: Test with a dry run before actual renaming.

rename -n 's/old/new/' *.txt

FAQs about Renaming Files in Linux

Q1: Can I rename directories using the same commands?
Yes, the mv and rename commands can also be used to rename directories. The syntax remains the same.

Q2: Is there a way to undo a rename operation?
No direct undo command exists, but you can rename the file back to its original name using the mv command.

Q3: How can I rename files with special characters in their names?
Use quotes or escape the special characters with a backslash. For example:

mv "file with spaces.txt" newfile.txt

Q4: Can I use wildcards for renaming?
Yes, wildcards can be used to match multiple files. For instance:

mv *.html *.htm

Q5: Are there any GUI tools for renaming files in Linux?
Yes, file managers like Nautilus (GNOME Files) or Dolphin (KDE) offer GUI options for renaming files.

Q6: How do I rename files recursively in directories?
You can use the find command to rename files recursively.

find /path/to/dir -type f -name "*.txt" -exec rename 's/\.txt$/.md/' {} \;

Q7: Can I schedule file renaming tasks?
Yes, you can use cron jobs to schedule renaming tasks.

crontab -e

Add a line to schedule:

0 0 * * * /path/to/your/


In Linux, knowing how to change a file is a basic skill that will make handling files faster and easier. Linux has powerful tools for doing these things, from simple ones like mv to more complex ones like rename for big actions and pattern matching.

If you learn these tricks, you can keep your OS organised, which will save you time and cut down on mistakes in your work. Like with any other skill, more practice makes better. Start with easy jobs like changing files, and as you get better, add more complicated patterns and big actions.

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